Eric Hasselbusch, Strategic Account Manager
A roof evaluation is the first step in identifying deficiencies and developing a long-term plan to secure funding and manage commercial roof assets. Whether you are experiencing minor leaks or have major structural concerns, it is imperative to have an expert examine and inspect your roof system.
But how can you be sure the company performing the roof evaluation has your best interests in mind?
When your facility’s well-being and budget are on the line, it is important to have your roof evaluation completed by an independent, objective roof consultant like Benchmark that does not provide construction or repair services. Our focus is on extending roof asset life, whenever possible, through repairs and maintenance. We spend time identifying the root cause of issues impacting the roof, rather than just considering roof replacement. This mindset has saved our clients thousands of dollars while minimizing impact to production and people.
The examples below highlight situations where the cost of not doing it right was far greater than the cost of an evaluation by an objective third-party, like Benchmark.
Manufacturing facility – Ohio
Situation: The roof was identified for replacement by a contractor at an estimated cost of $1,250,000. Visually, the EPDM roof looked horrible, with improper repairs, dirt, and debris throughout.
Solution: A Benchmark evaluation revealed the roof system was in maintainable condition and did not require replacement. An infrared moisture scan identified very little wet insulation within the roof system. The appropriate repairs, including removal and replacement of wet insulation, were recommended which extended the anticipated service life of the roof 5+ additional years.
Savings: Benchmark’s recommendation to spend approximately $100,000 on repairs saved the facility $1,250,000 in capital expenditures, as suggested by the previous contractor.
Manufacturing facility – Michigan
Situation: The roof on a pre-engineered metal building was leaking. The roof manufacturer proposed fixing the issue by applying a coating to the roof. Benchmark was contacted to discuss this plan before it was implemented.
Solution: We began by asking if a structural survey had been completed to verify roof load capacity. It is not uncommon to overload existing roofs by hanging interior equipment and piping to the structural components that also support the roof system.
A structural survey was completed and determined that the roof was already overloaded. The company made necessary structural modifications before addressing the roof issues.
Our roof evaluation determined the deficiencies were primarily minor in nature, related to fastener backout, ridge cap reinstalment, and panel enclosures. Benchmark recommended making the appropriate repairs as the roof did not require coating.
Savings: Benchmark’s recommendation to repair the roof at a cost of approximately $18,000 was 3.6% of the previously recommended coating cost of $500,000. The repairs should provide an additional 10+ years to the service life of the roof.
Healthcare facility – Ohio
Situation: Benchmark was hired to evaluate the condition of a roof on a healthcare facility. Two roofing contractors had recommended roof replacement. The owner was not confident in the contractors’ recommendations and contacted Benchmark.
Solution: Benchmark conducted a detailed roof evaluation and found failed flashing sealant and voids at curb flashings. We determined the roof did not require replacement, only repairs and regular maintenance.
Savings: Repairs and maintenance to the existing roof added approximately 6 to 10 years to the service life of the roof, reducing the impact on facility operations and saving the facility hundreds of thousands of dollars in replacement costs.
School district building – Kansas
Situation: Based on recommendations by another company, a school district planned for the tear-off and replacement of a roof section that was approximately 15 years old. The roof section had a history of roof leaks.
Solution: Benchmark performed a roof evaluation and an infrared moisture scan to verify suspected wet insulation within the roof system. The evaluation revealed that the roof system had minimal wet insulation, and that most of the past leaks were related to window and wall defects. Had the roof been replaced, water would have continued to enter the facility through walls and windows.
Savings: The school district would have spent approximately $500,000 to replace a roof that only required repairs and spot replacement where wet insulation was found without resolving the issues resulting in water entry. By completing a roof evaluation and infrared moisture scan, the real source of water entry was identified, appropriate repairs were made to the walls and windows, and the school district saved over $400,000.
Count on the experts at Benchmark

A comprehensive roof evaluation identifies improvements to reduce long-term roofing expenditures and increase your roof’s service life.
Don’t wait until your roof is leaking to determine the condition of your asset. Consult an expert and develop a plan to proactively manage your roof assets. Taking this approach puts you in control and allows you to manage the risk associated with roof leaks and potential future replacement projects.
Roof evaluation services at Benchmark are based on a comprehensive approach that starts with identifying a client’s goals and includes in-depth assessments and recommendations. Detailed roof plans and photos, along with roof composition, condition, risk, and budget information are created and stored in our SITEMAN® database. We use all of this information to help you develop a roof management plan, including a five-year budget, in order to extend asset life and reduce the risk to your people, property, and production.